Immigration By Investment

In an ever-evolving landscape of global mobility, individuals seeking a new life often seek unique pathways to immigration. Immigration by investment is a rapidly growing phenomenon that has attracted significant attention. Because individuals and families want to increase their global mobility, financial prospects, and quality of life, it allows eligible individuals to acquire citizenship or residency in a foreign country by investing in its economy. Furthermore, immigration by investment will enable individuals to not only migrate to a new country but also contribute to its economy. In this blog, we will discuss the concept of immigration by real estate investment.


Understanding Immigration by Investment:

Immigration by investment is often called "economic citizenship" or "citizenship by investment." It involves individuals acquiring new nationality or residence status by making financial contributions to the host country. These investments can take various forms, such as direct investment, job creation, or contributions to specific economic development programs. The primary motivation behind such programs is to attract foreign capital, promote economic growth, and enhance the overall competitiveness of the host nation.


Why consider immigration by investment?

The immigration by investment process offers a range of benefits, including access to new financial possibilities, potential tax benefits, a higher standard of living at a lower cost, personal development, and a higher quality of life. It also offers access to quality and affordable education and healthcare facilities. It also provides enhanced mobility and business opportunities across developed horizons.


Eight factors to consider when choosing a real estate investment program

Investing in real estate abroad or engaging in other types of foreign direct investment requires careful consideration of several key factors to meet the investment criteria for the Real Estate Investment Immigration Program. The results should align with your future goals, such as financial, strategic, or lifestyle aspirations. The success of the investment and the overall experience depend on various factors. Here are eight factors to consider when considering permanent residence or citizenship in real estate decision-making.


  1. Investment Requirements: Understand the specific real estate investment criteria set by the host country's immigration program. Governments may have varying minimum investment amounts, property types, or geographic restrictions.
  2. Evaluate the stability of the country: Consider the political, social, and economic stability of the country. Assess the rule of law, transparency, economic growth, and security. These factors are essential in foreign risk assessment because the risk should be commensurate with market dynamics rather than the possible occurrence of unexpected events such as political unrest, corruption scandals, and financial crises in an unstable country.
  3. Analyze Benefits and Privileges: Assess the benefits and privileges of citizenship or residency obtained through a real estate investment program. This may include visa-free travel, dual citizenship, health care and education access, tax benefits, and business opportunities. In addition to visa-free access, strong passports on the Global Passport Index also include countries with solid foreign consular presence. Determine which benefits fit your personal and financial goals.
  4. Real Estate Market Stability: Assess the stability and growth potential of the local real estate market. A robust and stable market safeguards your investment and enhances the chances of capital appreciation.
  5. Legal Framework and Due Diligence: Engage legal professionals with expertise in immigration and real estate law to conduct thorough due diligence. Ensure compliance with all legal requirements, contracts, and property ownership regulations.
  6. Residency and Citizenship Benefits: Evaluate the rights and benefits of living or citizenship. Consider factors such as freedom of travel, access to social services, healthcare, and educational facilities for yourself and your family.
  7. Tax Implications: Understand the tax implications of the real estate investment and the resulting residency or citizenship status. Some countries may offer favorable tax conditions, while others may have specific tax obligations for new residents.
  8. Cultural Fit and Lifestyle: Consider the cultural fit and lifestyle of the host country. Ensure that the chosen location aligns with your preferences, providing a comfortable and enriching environment for you and your family.


Benefits of Immigration by Investment

  1. Global Mobility: One of the primary benefits of immigration by investment is the increased international mobility it offers. Investors and their families gain access to visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to various countries, facilitating business expansion and leisure travel.
  2. Business Opportunities: Many immigration programs are designed to attract entrepreneurs and investors, fostering economic growth in the host country. By investing in local businesses, individuals contribute to job creation and the community's overall development.
  3. Education and Healthcare: Immigrant investors often seek countries with world-class education and healthcare systems. By relocating through investment, families can access top-notch educational institutions and healthcare facilities for a better quality of life.
  4. Diversification of Assets: Investing in a foreign country allows individuals to diversify their assets and reduce risk. Real estate, stocks, and business ventures in a new jurisdiction can provide financial stability and open doors to diverse investment opportunities.


Type of immigration based on investment

There are two main pathways within investment migration – Citizenship by Investment (CBI) and Residency by Investment (RBI). Each offers specific benefits for those who want to expand their horizons as a path to residency or second citizenship.


Citizenship by Investment (CBI)

Citizenship by Investment (CBI) refers to obtaining citizenship in a country by making a real estate investment. Furthermore, it gives investors the rights and privileges of being a global citizen with second citizenship, including the ability to live, work, and travel freely within the country and potentially enjoy visa-free access to other countries.


This option usually involves making a financial contribution to the host country's economy with investment. Such as investing in enterprises, real estate, or government bonds. Although citizenship cannot be obtained in some countries, they may offer permanent residence in exchange for an equivalent investment.


Residence by Investment (RBI)

On the other hand, Residency by Investment (RBI) allows individuals to reside in a foreign country without acquiring full citizenship or voting rights. Although it does not confer the same voting rights as citizenship, Residency by Investment offers various benefits, including the ability to reside, work, and potentially study in the host country.


Like Citizenship by Investment, Residency by Investment programs require investors to make investments or other financial contributions to boost the host country's economy and development projects. The choice between residence or citizenship by real estate investment depends on an individual's objectives.


Which countries give Residency by Investment?

Many countries provide residency by investment. So, here are the three countries:


  1. Spain:

Spain offers residency through its Golden Visa program, allowing non-EU investors to obtain possession by investing in real estate. With a minimum investment of €500,000 in property, investors and their families gain the right to live and work in Spain.


The program aims to attract foreign capital, stimulating the real estate market. Applicants enjoy the benefits of free travel within the Schengen Area. Spain's rich culture, Mediterranean climate, and quality of life make it an attractive destination. The process is streamlined, making it an accessible option for those seeking European residency through real estate investment.


  • Minimum investment: $548,000
  • Residency Period: Renewable indefinitely every five years (Can apply for Permanent Residency after five years of continuous residence)
  • Citizenship: After 10 years of continuous residency


  1. Greece:

Greece offers a Residency by Real Estate Investment program, allowing non-EU citizens to obtain residency by investing in property. With a minimum investment of €250,000 in real estate, applicants can gain a five-year residency permit, which can be renewed as long as the property is maintained.

This program provides flexibility, allowing investors to choose from various property options, including residential properties or commercial. It grants access to Greece's vibrant culture, historic sites, and the European Union. The process is relatively straightforward, making it an attractive option for those seeking European residency through real estate investment in Greece's picturesque and culturally rich country.

  • Minimum investment: $ 275,462 (on 31 July 2023, the investment threshold for real estate will be raised from $ 275462 to $5,55,760. This modification applies only to purchases made in Athens, Thessaloniki, and Santorini)
  • Residency Period: Renewable indefinitely every 5 years
  • Citizenship: After 7 Years of Residency


  1. Cyprus:

Cyprus offers a Residency by Investment program, granting non-EU citizens residency through real estate investment. The program requires a minimum property investment of €300,000, excluding VAT. Qualifying investors gain the right to reside in Cyprus, a strategic and culturally rich Mediterranean island. The process involves:

  • Purchasing residential real estate.
  • Ensuring it is kept for at least three years.
  • Demonstrating a secure annual income.

Benefits include visa-free travel within the Schengen Area and a path to citizenship after seven years. Cyprus' attractive climate, business opportunities, and lifestyle make it a compelling choice for those seeking residency through real estate investment.

  • Minimum investment: $329,000 plus 19% VAT (reduceable to 5% for residency properties for personal use)
  • Residency Period: Permanent Residency
  • Citizenship: After 7 Years of Residency

Which countries give Citizenship by Investment?

Various countries provide citizenship by investment. So, here are three countries are as follows:


  1. Malta:

Malta offers citizenship through real estate investment programs, attracting investors seeking European Union access. The Individual Investor Program (IIP) enables qualifying individuals to acquire Maltese citizenship by purchasing property, contributing to the National Development and Social Fund, and meeting other criteria. The investment in real estate, typically around €700,000, grants applicants and their families citizenship, providing visa-free travel within the Schengen Area. Malta's program emphasizes a transparent due diligence process and has garnered interest from global investors seeking a strategic EU foothold. Successful candidates benefit from a stable economy, cultural richness, and the advantages of EU membership.

  • Minimum investment: $767000 or a five-year rental agreement of $17500 annually
  • Citizenship Processing Time: 12 to 36 Months
  • Global Passport Index Ranking: 34th, Visa-free travel (including eVisa and visa on arrival) to 172 countries


  1. Turkey:

Turkey offers citizenship through its real estate investment program. To qualify, investors must make a minimum property investment, typically around $250,000. The purchased property can only be sold for up to three years. Applicants undergo a vetting process, and upon approval, they, along with their immediate family, gain Turkish citizenship. This program aims to attract foreign investors, boost the real estate sector, and stimulate economic growth. Turkey's strategic location, rich history, and diverse culture further contribute to the appeal of obtaining citizenship through real estate investment.

  • Minimum investment: $400,000
  • Citizenship Processing Time: Four months
  • Global Passport Index Ranking: 94th Visa-free travel (including eVisa and visa on arrival) to 128 Countries.


  1. Dominica:

Dominica offers a Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program, allowing individuals to acquire citizenship through a real estate investment. With a minimum investment in approved real estate, applicants gain access to the benefits of Dominican citizenship, including visa-free travel to numerous countries. The program promotes economic development by attracting foreign investors seeking a second citizenship. Investors contribute to the country's growth while enjoying the beauty of Dominica, known for its lush landscapes and vibrant culture. The streamlined process and favorable investment conditions make Dominica's CBI program appealing to those seeking global mobility and economic opportunities.

  • Minimum investment: $200,000
  • Citizenship Processing Time: Three to six months
  • Global Passport Index Ranking: 78th Visa-free travel (including eVisa and visa on arrival) to 146 Countries.



Immigration through investment is reshaping the global landscape. It offers individuals unprecedented opportunities for personal and financial growth. The dynamic nature of these programs highlights the importance of staying informed and seeking guidance in dealing with the complexities of international transfers through investment. Immigration by investment remains an attractive opportunity for those looking for new possibilities for company growth, educational options, or a better quality of life.

If you want to migrate to a foreign country through immigration by investment, you need to seek advice from the best real estate consultant, Rise Infra International.